Solo show George Bodocan
March 2017
Artist George Bodoc
Curator Marta Jecu
Director project. Doina Marian ( Director Romanian Cultural Institute Paris)
George Bodocan has created a stunning body of work in the last ten years spent in Paris. His personal exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Institute Paris explores visual forms specific to the social and artistic movements to which he participated. His personal graphic messages compose a radiography of these recent phenomenons: collective projects with social-cultural activities, critical public interventions, actions of revitalisation of abandoned spaces, formation of artistic centers. The exhibition will follow through the prism of the personal history of George Bodocan the trajectories of these movements in Paris and therefore their history in the last decade.
The exhibition will be abounding with paintings, drawings and objects of different formats and on various supports. These will be joined with projections of auto-biographical documentary photography recorded by George Bodocan in his immediate social environment. The resulting installation will talk to the audience about interaction and the forming of aesthetic currents in the recent alternative urban art, about possibilities of assuming an open society, about exercises of understanding and the accepting of the other, about the guarding and protecting of the citizen's liberties, about artistic collectives but also about the ecologic urgency, which is manifested through Bodocan's use of recuperated materials.
This cumulation of documentary and personal material creates an installative interior space of memory, an immersive laboratory-atelier.